

Glasgow, UK

Actify is a social enterprise dedicated to enhancing the sport and physical activity sector through a combination of training and technology. Their training programs assist organisations in devising and delivering innovative, person-centred, outcome-focused initiatives. Meanwhile, Actify's technology arm concentrates on digital content and data tools designed to support learning, sharing, and effective management within the sector. They take a collaborative approach, involving stakeholders from policy, funding, research, and practice to ensure that their offerings align with the evolving needs and interests of the sector.

Faith Studio were tasked with revitalising the Actify brand for long-term impact. The objective was to encapsulate the dynamic energy connected with sports and effectively convey the collaborative essence of Actify's mission to cultivate a hub of shared activities and initiatives.

Identity Print

Typeset in Good Sans by Good Type Foundry
Design by Martin Duff

© Faith Studio
 Local Time